Privacy focused Google Analytics alternative

Alceris Analytics is a free website analytics solution which creates insights, without using any user specific data or cookies

No cookie consent required
GDPR compliant
Made and hosted in the European Union 🇪🇺
Track up to 10.000 pageviews and events per month for free, no credit card required
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🔑 Privacy first

We don't collect any user identifying data. All data is aggregated upon arrival in our infrastructure in europe.

🇪🇺 European analytics

All collected data is stored and served only via European servers.

✨ A great alternative to Google Analytics

Google has shutdown Universal Analytics in 2023. Now it is a great time to perform the switch to a privacy friendly and powerful analytics solution.

🍪 No need for cookie banners or an GDPR consent dialog

Say goodbye to those annoying cookie banners and consent dialogs. Alceris Analytics is built privacy first and don't collect any user specific data and don't stores any data and cookies on the client.

This means you don't need any cookie dialog or consent dialog for Alceris.

⚡️ Highspeed script

Our analytics script is very small, loads asynchronously and don't slow down you website. Even for users which are on a bad mobile connection.

✅ Easy to integrate

The integration of the script is very easy. Just add one line of code to your website and the collection of data start automatically. For CMS like Wordpress we got even a ready to use plugin.

🚦 Cross domain tracking

See how user progress through your sites with integrated cross domain tracking.

📈 Realtime data

No need to wait till the newest data is processed. With our realtime technology every pageview and event is processed immediately and is directly accessible within your dashboard.

🎉 Track events

Collect events which custom metadata. Besides sending a event name, you can also send custom metadata (like article details) with your event.

📣 Track campaigns

Track all of your campaigns. We extract all UTM parameters and display them at a glance. See all relevant information about your campaigns and how they perform.

🔗 Outbound links

Outbound links are tracked automatically, so you can see which external links your user clicks.

🔍 Google Search Console integration

Connect your Google Search Console account with Alceris and get search query impression and click counts directly in your dashboard.

🔐 You own the data

You have the control over the data which we collect. You can export all data at any moment. If you should close your account we will delete all tracked data.